Blissfully on the banks of Saco

                 It has now grown to become a happy annual tradition for us VSNE folks to come together over a summer camping for multiple days, strengthening our bonds, elevating the sense of togetherness and community affection while having loads of fun, always fed with lip-smacking food and appreciating life.

    Well, it all started back in late spring when we started thinking about the summer camping event. The wish-list list was huge. However, staying close to each other bubbled up to the top. We were lucky enough to find EasternSlope Camping ground on the bank of Saco river near North Conway, NH that met multitude of our requirements. We had booked 25 campsites for three nights and four days beginning 19th July to 22nd July. Great number of families signed up to swell our party to a humongus 114 people strong! Many of us, including me, were first time campers in a tent and were very circumspect. However, the veterans calmed the newbies nerves and helped everyone get right gear, making them look forward to camping.

      Day-1: Excitement Begins!!

     With all the preparations done, some of us took Friday off and reached the campsite at around 2pm. After completing the check-in process, we set up our tents, common area and our make-shift kitchen. A few went about preparing snacks and few others to help the other arriving families to put up their tents and settle-down. Everyone was served with freshly made spicy pakoras, khara-mandakki, avalakki along with coffee and tea. It was re-energizing, especially after a 2+ hour on the road and all the hard work putting up tents on a 90+ degree hot summer day. The organizing committee prepared dinner that night, which everyone enjoyed while discussing the next day activities. It was a tough time asking kids to go to bed that night!

     Day-2: Excitement continues…

    The day began with a healthy and filling breakfast of Iddli/chatni/sambar, prepared by another team. For the activities, one group chose to go hiking near Crawford Notch, and another big group choose to go kayaking in the Saco river. About 20 tandem kayaks were driven 7 miles upstream from where the families floated down the lazy stream to the camping ground. Some of them stayed behind on the campsite to relax and sunbathe in the shallow waters of Saco. The evening snacks, fresh mirchi-bajji, was inviting for all those tired folks returning from their respective activities. There were several group games, including Dumb Charades and Anthakshari, after which all were served with luscious north Karnataka style dinner prepared by an experienced team.

      Day-3: The More the merrier!! 

      On Sunday, we all chose to stay together at campsite and have fun. After an early breakfast of chow-chow bath, we played Bocce Ball, Lagori and Cricket. The energy level was high, the sun was burning atop and the kids were pleading to get in the water. So, we all went to Saco with snacks, beverages and Volleyball kit. The hot sand didn’t deter us from playing beach volleyball, while we had some melodious background songs from a group of our ladies playing Anthakshari in the middle of shallow waters of the Saco river.  Another bunch of folks were happily herding all the little ones in the water with the tubes. It was really one BIG happy family at the beach! After evening snacks of masala-puri and dinner later, some of them decided to cut it short to get back to work the next day. While lucky others, continued their merry ways! 

     Day-4: All good things must come to an end ….

     After an early breakfast in the morning, we all wound up, made the rounds and on the way back home, went hiking on mount Chokamura, to top it off.

     There was news that some of them were literally in tears, not wanting to depart but had no choice, reminded me of the vivid scenes of sending-off the bride after wedding. This experience is definitely a keeper for the long. Can hardly wait for the next one!

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